Unbiased Gradient Estimation with Balanced Assignments for Mixtures of Experts


Training large-scale mixture of experts models efficiently on modern hardware requires assigning datapoints in a batch to different experts, each with a limited capacity. Recently proposed assignment procedures lack a probabilistic interpretation and use biased estimators for training. As an alternative, we propose two unbiased estimators based on principled stochastic assignment procedures: one that skips datapoints which exceed expert capacity, and one that samples perfectly balanced assignments using an extension of the Gumbel-Matching distribution [29]. Both estimators are unbiased, as they correct for the used sampling procedure. On a toy experiment, we find the `skip’-estimator is more effective than the balanced sampling one, and both are more robust in solving the task than biased alternatives.

Wouter Kool
Machine Learning & Optimization

Scientist & engineer with a PhD in machine learning and a passion for (combinatorial) optimization.